Topic 1 - Test author foo -

Blog Test 1

BeePass illustration

In the past five years, as the platform and its audience grew, so have the landscape and strategies of fact-checking work transformed. For one, more and more fact-checkers, including Factnameh, are creating multimedia content to reach more audiences through podcasts, videos and on social media platforms where misinformation thrives. At the same time, strengthening digital and  media literacy and basic fact-checking skills among internet users has become increasingly critical as online misinformation proliferates and frequently resurfaces.

Test foo

Multimedia library

Factnameh’s popular weekly podcast has been downloaded for over 100,000 times in its first year. To help more users explore our diverse multimedia content, our audience can now access the podcast directly from our website and our multimedia content, including our feature documentaries, are also accessible directly from the Factnameh website. 

Better searching and browsing experience

To help our audiences more easily find and sort through the hundreds of fact checks published on the Factnameh website, we added a search bar as well as a sorting feature where users can browse content based on its publish date or popularity (number of views). Similarly, on the Profiles page where we keep track of Factnameh’s most fact-checked figures, users can now filter profiles based on alphabetical order, the number of fact-checks associated with the profile, or by how recent a profile was created. 

 Blog Test 1 — ASL19

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test text

Table Example
Column 1Column 2Column 3
Text 1Text 2Text 3
Text 4Text 5Text 6
Column Header Table
Header 1Header 2This is a long text for testingHeader 4Header 5Header 6Header 7Header 8Header 9Header 10Header 11Header 12Header 13Header 14More column for testing
El49 9@8923
  • longer tag name
  • tag 1
  • tag 2

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